Franking explained
Businesses that use a franking machine instead of stamps save both time and money. While a traditional postage stamp needs no introduction or explanation, there is a little more to owning and using a franking machine. Here we’ll take a brief look at some frequently asked questions.
What does a franking machine do?
A franking machine is a device that applies a mark to a letter (or a label that can then be applied to bigger items) that indicates to postal services that the appropriate fees for postage have been paid.
Franking machines come with a variety of different features and can form part of larger systems that take care of other mail-related tasks, like folding and inserting letters into envelopes and feeding stacks of envelopes through – ‘franking’ letters at very high rates.
Why is it cheaper to use a franking machine?
Because using a franking machine is faster and more efficient than manually applying stamps by hand, a business that uses one is saving time and money. It is also quicker and easier to add credit to a machine online than it is to buy or order stamps.
In addition, franking a letter is typically cheaper than the expense of using stamps to post a letter of the same size/shape. For example, using Royal Mail’s Mailmark is always guaranteed to be cheaper than using stamps with discounts as much as 21% versus stamps. To learn more prices, visit our postage rates page.
What is the difference between franked and stamped mail?
Simply put, a franking mark is applied in place of a stamp. There is, however, more to it than this. A franking machine mark is neatly and consistently applied and can additionally carry more information, like a sender address or company logo. As a result, a business sending franked mail conveys a more professional image.
Is a franking machine worth it?
Every business is different and sends varied volumes of mail, but so long as your business sends mail routinely, even in low volumes, a franking machine will likely be cost-effective. Franking machines can be leased from Quadient for only £16.99 per month, for example, so the initial outlay is smaller than you might expect.
For more information and to discover how Quadient can help you get the most from franked mail, take a look at our intelligent Mailmark franking machines offered for all business sizes.